
Max Planck Symposium on the Future of Structural Biology 2012

May 23

9.00 -10.00
Opening Plenary Talk: The future is bright – a structure biologist’s dreams
                         Ilme Schlichting
                         Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
                         (45 min talk plus 15 discussion)

10.00 - 10.45
Toward Rational Crystallization for Structure-Function Studies of Membrane Proteins
                         Martin Caffrey
                         Trinity College Dublin
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

10.45 - 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 - 11.45
Structure studies on G-protein coupled receptors using X-ray microbeam
                         So Iwata
                         Imperial College London
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

11.45 - 12.30
Brilliant Photon Sources for Structural Studies in Hamburg
                         Edgar Weckert
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)
12.30 - 14.45 Lunch break

14.45 - 15.30
The impact of synchrotron radiation on molecular biology
                         Ken Holmes
                         Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

15.30 - 15.45 Coffee break
15.45 - 16.30
Linear ubiquitin chain formation and recognition: towards integrated structural biology with SR and future light sources Soichi Wakatsuki
                         Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

16.30 - 17.15
Electrodynamical processes in biomolecules during diffractive imaging experiments using XFEL sources
                         Harry Quiney
                         ARC /The University of Melbourne
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

May 24

9.00 - 9.45
Functional motions in proteins and their assemblies: fast, rare, and masked by disorder
                         Gerhard Hummer
                         NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
                         (35 min talk plus 10 discussion)
9.45 - 10.30
Molecules in Motion: From Water to the Ribosome
                         Helmut Grubmüller
                         Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)
10.30 - 10.45 Coffee break

10.45 - 11.30
Hybrid methods in the structural analysis of multiprotein complexes
                         Karl-Peter Hopfner
                         Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

11.30 - 12.15
Macromolecular strcture and dynamics through x-ray scattering and complimentary techniques
                         Brian Crane
                         Cornell University
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

12.15 -13.45 Lunch break
13.45 -14.30
Visualizing cellular processes at the molecular level by cryo-electron tomography
                         Ohad Medalia
                         University of Zurich
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

14.30 - 15.15
Principles of membrane protein structure determination by electron crystallography of 2D crystals: Achievements and bottlenecks, and analogies to free electron laser experiments
                         Henning Stahlberg
                         Biozentrum University of Basel at the Department
                         for Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE)
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

15.15 - 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 - 16.15
3D Imaging of Cells, Cellular Organelles and Large Protein Complexes with X-rays and Electrons
                         John Miao
                         UCLA Coherent Imaging
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

16:15 - 17:00
Imaging macromolecules using intense X-ray pulses
                         Henry Chapman
                         (35 min plus 10 discussion)

17.00 - 18.15
Final concluding remarks
                         Dwayne Miller
                         (45 min plus 15 discussion)

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