June 1–3, 2016
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), Hamburg, Germany
The workshop covers advances and challenges in the simulation of materials and the description of light-matter interactions in molecules and solids.
The scientific program runs from June 2 to June 3. It finishes on Friday afternoon with the Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium by Roberto Car (Princeton U.).
The scientific program will be preceded by a welcome event to present the by now fully established Theory Department at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) to scientific colleagues on the campus in Bahrenfeld and throughout Hamburg. This event takes place on Wednesday, June 1, at 17.00.
You can find the detailed workshop program on the Indico page of the workshop.
Attendance to the workshop is free. However, to arrange catering etc. we ask you to register via the registration form on the Indico page of the workshop (see link below). Please register as early as possible to facilitate the organization of the workshop.
For Map & Directions, please check the MPSD website.
If you have any additional questions please contact the organizers.