June 12-16, 2023 at Center for Free-Electron Laser Science in Hamburg
The UXSS 2023 is over now. Thanks to all participants that made this event such a spectacular summer school. You can find slides for the lectures on this web page under 'slide'.
Group Photo (c) J M Harms MPSD
The Ultrafast X-Ray Summer School (UXSS) is an annual school on X-ray science aimed at PhD students and postdocs. The program of the school consists of eight lectures given by distinguished scientists in the field, a site-visit at DESY and the European XFEL, and guided hands-on project work in which the participants work out a mock proposal for beam time at European XFEL.
The lectures cover the following topics in ultrafast X-ray science:
- fundamentals of x-ray free-electron lasers
- theory of x-ray matter interaction
- atomic and molecular physics
- condensed matter physics
- structural biology
- matter in extreme conditions
- chemical dynamics in liquid phase
- chemical dynamics in gas phase
We hope you will join us for a productive and instructive event in June.
The Organizers:
Ludger Inhester (CFEL/DESY, chair)
Shambhu Ghimire (PULSE Institute/SLAC, co-chair)
Christoph Bostedt (PSI, co-chair)
The Ultrafast X-ray Summer School (UXSS) is jointly organized by CFEL, the PULSE institute at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). The summer school has a long history dating back to the first UXSS in 2007 (see Past summer schools). The UXSS 2023 is hosted by the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, and is kindly supported by the Joachim Herz foundation.